In the morning, the children were still dancing...

One Perfect Sunrise

Legend has it that Hyperborea was a mysterious land hidden behind the source of the north wind, where each summer day was as long as a year and mystical energies flowed among the people.

On the evening of June 9, 2007, we opened a portal to Hyperborea. If you were there and want to share photos, experiences, etc., .

The Flier

If you haven't got a copy of the flier for this event and want one, here's the front and the back. (Download, save, open, send to your friends, print, or whatever.)

Thanks, Love, and Props to Those Who Made it Happen:


Philip Evans
Mark Zabala
Dr. Bombay
Todd Spero
Frozen Horse
and more...

Sage-shaking sound system

We brought the Alien Underground sound system through the portal and all frequencies stayed in the green despite furious usage and the fickle finger of fate.

Citrus Love Squad Mimosa & Croissant Breakfast

Yes, we handed out croissants and mimosas to everyone who stayed through to morning.

All of you who came to Hyperborea to share in the mysteries

Thanks especially for your munificent donations, we really appreciate them.

After Action Reports

We had a blast and will require some time to recover our faculties and sanity. We hope you did too. If you've got photos or can write well, send your stuff to us and see it here. Some photos are here, more to come.

The Backstory

Hyperborea was a place of beauty and wonder, suffice it to say now that countless stars filled the sky overhead in their terrible beauty, rounded mountains huddled around and slumbered in their wisdom, and there was a soft, cool breeze. Paths looped from the central focus to hidden stones and nearby peaks. Totems of ancient and unknown significance surrounded the focal point and were bathed in a weird, pulsating light. The following log notes describe how we found this place.

What Could Have Been Past is Prologue It has long been known that there are portals between this everyday world and other realms. Some widely cited examples, Terabithia, Narnia, the Plateau of Leng, are sufficient to prove the point. However, the choice of destination is not always savoury, and the portal is sometimes inconvenient. At Audio Response Team, we decided to view this as a challenge rather than an obstacle.

4/20/2007 In the Audio Response Team Q-branch, the topmost minds have been devising portals which pierce the everyday world and allow travel through neither space nor time, but possibility. The first field-deployable reality-distortion portal has been activated. There is a brief pause, and our intrepid test pilot leaps through.... He returns, wide-eyed, grinning, and babbling about having shifted dimensions between here and what could be here. The portal is shut down for the time being as we contemplate the fact that such a place could be reached by travelling in our reality two hours north of Los Angeles and then passing through a rift in the spacetime continuum.

5/1/2007 Audio Response Team headquarters is abuzz with furious and secret preparation. We must equip, transmogrify, retrieve, and debrief recon teams to determine what exact sort of new world we have found. Following initial scouting, plans are made to re-activate the Hyperborean artifacts at the site.

5/14/2007 The advance party has established a base camp near what appears to be a temple complex of the lost civilisation. They have removed the leaves and vines covering cyclopean stones which stand inscribed with glyphs in a half-remembered, half-dreamed script. The area radiates a sense of ancient energies that have long lain untapped. The team reports that artifacts of immense power and unknown purpose have also been uncovered. Perhaps these are the source of the energies filling the area, perhaps they were once badges of ritual office, the Audio Response Team will soon deploy to analyze and then wield them.

5/19/2007 Catastrophe. In a load test of the portal, conditions reach the limits of the feedback dampers and a resonance cascade initiates. Three A.R.T. interns from the University of North Alaska are pulled through to destinations unknown. Residual irrotational vorticity, combined with a real-life brush fire upwind of us precludes us from staying and searching, lest we suffer a fate worse than the Pabodie Expedition.

5/26/2007 Salvation. Careful translation of the inscriptions in the temple complex has revealed the location of a second complex on the shores of what could have been a lake. Technical adjustments to shim and phase correction are made to the portal to reach Hyperborea from this new spot in the here-and-now. A recon team is cautiously deployed, and reports back that conditions are favourable at this now-parched former oasis. If anything, the desert air has more perfectly preserved the artifacts here. Our thoughts remain with the interns and the hope that they are somewhere in Hyperborea and can make it to the new site. Perhaps they have even contacted those Hyperborean natives that remain.

6/03/2007 Contact. A recon team has picked up a faint beacon from the interns, who have found the long-wandering 11th clan of the Hyperboreans. The interns are following them to our location, where they will dance once again the rituals of the Hyperborean Mysteries. Is what lies ahead enlightenment, or madness?

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